
ebc kids

Sunday 9:00am

Sunday 9:00AM - 11:45AM

Sunday 10:30am-11:45am

Gospel Explorers
Toddlers - 4th Grade
From the Toddlers through 4th Graders, there is a Sunday School class for your child to attend. Parents are welcome to attend with their children.   Children will learn Biblical truths through stories, songs, games, and take home materials! Nursery and other children's classes for newborns through Pre-K are available during all church and Sunday Worship services.
Little Lambs Nursery
Newborn to 2yrs
Shepherd's Kids
2yrs - Pre-K
Little Lambs Nursery is available each Sunday for parents to attend Adult Bible Classes and/or Worship Service. Please feel free to drop them off with their items needed and head to a class or to worship service. They will be lovingly cared until your return!
Shepherd's Kids is so much more than Sunday childcare. Feel comfortable knowing that Miss Lynda works hard each week planning lessons to engage your little ones in stories from God's word. Not only will they start learning, but they will get to engage with their peers that we hope they will get to fellowship with for years to come.

Sunday 11:00am

Wednesday 6:30pm - 7:45pm

Kingdom Quest
1st - 4th Grade
Kingdom Quest is an alternative to the Sunday morning sermon for children in 1st through 4th grade. Children are dismissed from our main service just before the pastor’s sermon. Bible lessons aimed at their age level are taught, along with Bible memorization, music, skits and more. Kingdom Quest meets every Sunday throughout the school year and culminates with an end of the year picnic at Boardman Park in June.
Team Kid
K-4th Grade
Camp Burton
TeamKid (TK) is for kids in Kindergarten-4th Grade, and is held on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 PM during the school year. Bible instruction, games, music and crafts are all part of this high energy program. TeamKid is an excellent opportunity for your children to bring friends to church. This program includes party nights as well as a variety of activities.
Camp Burton is our church district’s camp, located in Burton, Ohio. It is a great place for your kids to spend time at during the summer and to explore, engage, and experience Jesus!

Lynda Hawkins

Children's Ministry Director
"Miss Lynda" has been the Children's Ministry Director at Evangel Baptist since 2008. She loves children and teaching them all about Jesus. From VBS to Positive Impact, Lynda has a servants heart.