

youth ministries
We have opportunities to serve on Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the year as well as during VBS and special events. We believe in equipping our volunteers with the information needed to actively server with confidence. You may even make a connection or two with other volunteers. Together we can equip the next generation of Christ followers!
positive impact
One Saturday per month we have the opportunity to serve those in need throughout our community. We have been blessed to have a self sustaining ministry such as this one, that not only helps us serve physically, but spiritually as well. Please check our church calendar for dates and times to serve.
Friends Around the World
Friends Around the World, or F.A.W., as it is known throughout EBC, is a unique ministry that serves the international students of YSU. Volunteers are always needed to serve as host "Supper Club" families to students from other countries. We also host events throughout the school year to engage the students with one another and EBC members. Our student friends enjoy having the support of our church "family" when they are so far away from home.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Please use the link below to sing up for as many volunteer opportunities as you would like. A church member or staff member will connect with you when help is needed.

How do I volunteer with kids?

Please email Lynda Hawkins to coordinate a time to discuss which areas volunteers are needed. 

How do I volunteer with music?

Please see Pastor Jung to coordinate a time to discuss potential opportunities to volunteer for the Praise and Worship team.

How do I volunteer with students?

Please email Pastor Jung to coordinate a time to discuss current volunteer positions that are available.  

Volunteer Sign Up